Our outreach service can be accessed via our widely publicised telephone number or our email address. The service can be accessed by yourself or a professional on your behalf and is available to both male and female individuals.
Our outreach workers will meet with you at our safe outreach centre or a safe location of your choice.
You will be able to discuss your situation with the outreach worker and they will be able to offer you non judgmental support and advice.
They will be able to help you make:
This is just a small part of our role as there are many layers but ultimately our outreach workers are here to help you to remain safe, offer support and help offer you a future.
For victims of intimate coercive experience -This 12 week programme has been developed for adults addressing domestic violence, coercive control and the behaviours that create the dynamic of intimate partner relationship abuse. With a part-knowledge based and part therapeutic approach the programme supports victims to identify the broad spectrum of abusive behaviours, the process of dismantling that a victim goes through and the significant impact of such traumatic experiences. The main aims of the programme are to address the various behaviours of a controlling partner both in-situ and post-separation offer relatable psycho-education on trauma and normal stress responses, enable victims to learn more about the impact of traumatic experiences and build their capacity for self-regulation and their commitment to self-care.
The Freedom Programme is a 10 week programme, that examines the roles played by attitudes and beliefs on the actions of the perpetrator and the responses of victims and survivors. The aim is to help them to make sense of, and understand what has happened to them, instead of the whole experience just feeling like a horrible mess. The Freedom Programme also describes in detail how children are affected by being exposed to this kind of abuse and very importantly how their lives are improved when the abuse is removed.
The programme also looks at healthy relationships and how a non-abusive person behaves.
The Freedom Programme gives people the opportunity to share their experiences and to then access, if wished, further assistance and services.
SODA is held every term time Wednesday morning from 10am – 12pm and is by referral only.
Our Support Workers host weekly Coffee and Chat sessions across the west of Suffolk, currently Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, Newmarket and Haverhill – please see the posters below for details
All of these groups are run by RESTORE Women’s Aid staff, are confidential and free of charge.
The sessions are an opportunity to come together, over coffee and a biscuit (sometimes cake), for an informal get together offering optional crafting/creative sessions. Much fun is had at these coffee and chat sessions, which also give attendees the chance to speak to all members of staff regarding the more practical difficulties of life, such as benefits, housing etc. The sessions also give you the opportunity to be supported by others who have been in a similar situation.
If you feel you would like to find out about any of these services and groups, or make a referral please use the in the poster, contact via our helpline or email us, we will help find the right support or group for your needs, in confidence and without obligation.
For information on any of our services and groups, please speak to our experienced staff, in confidence and without obligation, on 0330 551 9495
SODA is an informal group where you can talk over ‘the problems of the week’. This enables women to go to SODA a weekly group they can attend, knowing that they can discuss, with an experienced Support Worker and other group members, any problems that have arisen throughout the week, in a safe environment.
During our SODA session programmes we also hold a monthly therapeutic art session, a chance to unleash your hidden talents!