Services & Groups

Outreach Service

Our outreach service can be accessed via our telephone number or our email address. The service can be accessed by yourself or a professional on your behalf and is available to both male and female individuals.
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Young Person's Project

We have a dedicated Child and Young Persons support worker who offers specialist advice and support to those aged 11yrs-25yrs who have experienced domestic abuse in a familial setting or for those who may be in an abusive relationship of their own, regardless of their gender or sexuality.
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V.O.I.C.E Programme

For victims of intimate coercive experience -This 12 week programme has been developed for adults addressing domestic violence, coercive control and the behaviours that create the dynamic of intimate partner relationship abuse.
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Freedom Programme (face to face and online)

The Freedom Programme is a 10 week programme, that examines the roles played by attitudes and beliefs on the actions of the perpetrator and the responses of victims and survivors.
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Meet with others to learn and share.

SODA (Survivors of Domestic Abuse)

SODA is a structured educational session geared towards what comes next. A range of activities and speakers are arranged covering subjects such as budgeting, mental health awareness, physical wellbeing and the chance to speak to a social worker.
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Child Support

Children living in our Refuge have access to support through accessing various programmes. We also provide emotional support as soon as they arrive at the Refuge. Children are provided with packs with differentiated resources to work through with a member of the child support team throughout their time in the Refuge.
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Weekly Coffee Morning​

The sessions are an opportunity to come together, over coffee and a biscuit (sometimes cake), for an informal get together offering optional crafting/creative sessions.
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Men's Group

We offer a drop-in session every Friday morning between 10am and 12pm. We also offer the opportunity for males to come along and complete a bespoke 10 week program aimed at empowering men to make better choices.
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