If you are going to be involved in a family court case, or are thinking of going to Family Court, please take a look at this guide – Guide to Family Court Nov 2024
You can talk to one of our Support Workers confidentially by calling us on 0330 551 9495 Out of hours this number is on an answering machine. Please leave a message and we will get back to you on the next working week day.
If you are in danger do not hesitate to call the Police on 999
We offer a free Outreach Service to anyone who has experienced or who is currently experiencing domestic abuse. Outreach can be offered whether the abuse was years ago and you would like to talk about it to someone or whether you are in need of crisis help for a current situation. To speak to a Support Worker about help, please ring 0330 551 9495.
We also offer a range of support groups and courses which offer information and emotional support. Please see the section Our Services for a full list of the groups we are offering currently.
How long you stay is dependant on your needs and the choices you make.
You can go out, and on occasions visit family and friends. All we ask is that you let us know how long you intend to be away.
If you have your own transport we will give you directions. We can arrange to meet you from either the train or bus station if you use public transport.
Housing Benefit covers our rent if you are not working and claim Income Support or Universal Credit. Our Support Workers will help you claim any benefits you are entitled to. We also ask for a small amount to cover the cost of household items such as cleaning materials.
Sorry, unfortunately we cannot accommodate pets.
For everyone’s safety, we cannot allow visitors at the refuge but refuge staff are more than happy to arrange for you to meet your family/friends in a safe location.
Search for information on services listed throughout the site.